
30 October 2012

Luke Wessman Guestspot

We will have Luke Wessman of Wooster Street Social Club, New York City, with us for a short guestspot on November 14th & 15th.
 For info and appointments with Luke, phone, email or call into the shop, Thank You.

27 October 2012

Xam Guestspot

We have Xam from The Family Business, London, guesting with us at Allstar from 15th-19th of November. Here is a chance to get ahead Xam's long waiting list and get a piece from one of the most sought after tattooers around. For information and appointments call in, phone, or mail the shop.

26 October 2012

Stefano C. Guestspot

We will have Stefano of Frith Street Tattoo in London here with us from the 15th-19th of November. 
Call into, phone or mail the shop for info and appointments.

22 October 2012

Recent Tribal by Paul O'Rourke.

Here is a selection of tribal that Paul has been working on over the last few weeks. 
These include Tibetan-style geometrical dot-work designs and Polynesian pieces with Native American influences along with modern black tribal. The majority of this work is freehanded directly on to the skin to suit each clients shape and size ergonomically.
For an appointment with Paul contact the shop, Thank You.